This dramatic farce explores a young woman’s sense of herself after experiencing sexual abuse - the guilt, the difficulty bringing feelings up from the past - so certain for so long of her part in it all. But guilt has distorted her perspective and the truth will change everything.
STICKS & STONES took first prize in the 2003 Source Theatre's* Ten-Minute Play Competition in Washington, D.C. Has also been produced at the University of North Carolina, 2003, directed by Nate Juraschek.
Set: Black Box with Table and 2 or 3 chairs
Cast of 2
Time Period: Present
Length: 10 minutes
This dramatic farce explores a young woman’s sense of herself after experiencing sexual abuse - the guilt, the difficulty bringing feelings up from the past - so certain for so long of her part in it all. But guilt has distorted her perspective and the truth will change everything.
STICKS & STONES took first prize in the 2003 Source Theatre's* Ten-Minute Play Competition in Washington, D.C. Has also been produced at the University of North Carolina, 2003, directed by Nate Juraschek.
Set: Black Box with Table and 2 or 3 chairs
Cast of 2
Time Period: Present
Length: 10 minutes
For PERFORMANCE RIGHTS, contact Meredith Bean McMath via Run Rabbit Run Productions at [email protected] or by calling McMath at 571-209-7386.
US Copyright PAu835845 - 2004
* The professional theatre company Source Theatre of Washington, D.C. dissolved in 2002
US Copyright PAu835845 - 2004
* The professional theatre company Source Theatre of Washington, D.C. dissolved in 2002